The project includes several activities aimed at raising awareness and engaging different stakeholders.


The SPAMI Night event will invite local authorities, NGOs, and national environmental agencies to celebrate SPAMI Day and focus on the history of the Galite Archipelago. Primary school students will participate in an environmental education Programme, including a field trip to Sidi Mechreg area, to learn about the importance of protecting the region's biodiversity. Thematic webinars and workshops will be organized to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices related to the management of SPAMIs and the conservation of our natural and cultural heritage. Awareness-raising campaign will use various communication tools to promote the ecological, cultural, and historical importance of La Galite Archipelago. The project seeks to engage a network of actors and advocates committed to the sustainable management of SPAMIs in Tunisia and the Mediterranean.

To learn more, download the summary sheet presenting the project, available in English and French.

 You can also consult the project activity report, available in English.