Ecological characteristics :
The terrestrial flora of the area is diverse. The potential vegetation belongs to the Betic calcicolous of the Quercus ilex. As fauna is concerned, there is a number of seasonal and resident species in the area, such as Vulpes vulpes, Felis silvestris, Mustela nivalis, Martes foina, Erinaceus europaeus, Meles meles, Hemidactylus turcicus, Malpolon monspesselanus, Chamaeleo chameleon and Bufo calamita. It is also relevant the presence of metapopulations of Capra pyrenaica hispanica. The most relevant group is the marine birds. Of special relevance are the folowing species such as Larus ridibundus, Larus cachinnans, Larus fuscus,- winter populations catalogued as vulnerable in Andalousia -, Circaetus gallicus, Hieraaetus fasciatus - in danger of extinction in Andalousia -, Buteo buteo, Falco tinnuculus, Falco naumanni, and Falco peregrinus.