Threats and Pressures :
Possible threats and pressure are mostly:
Mechanical perturbations (anchoring, diving, artisanal and recreational fishing), on coralligenous assemblages and Posidonia meadows. The mechanical damages caused by divers are strictly localized in some sites with a very small extension relative to the surface of the MPA.
The impact of non-indigenous species, i.e. the chlorophyta Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea, very abundant in the whole area.
The construction and development of the tourist harbour “Marina di Villasimius” which caused the erosion of nearby beaches and Posidonia oceanica meadows; it also represents a potential source of water and sediment pollution due to the oil spill from recreational and commercial boats.
The high frequency of motor boats during the summer may discourage the presence of marine mammals (as a consequence of noise) and damage the sea turtle Caretta caretta.